Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Introducing Mr. James Davis…A Notable Tech Prep Student

After graduating from McKinney High School in summer of 2008, James became a Computer Networking Technology student here at Collin College. James was introduced to the concept of computer networking through a family acquaintance as he began his high school education. He attributes his interest in this area to his most influential high school teacher, Ms. Kathy Fant. She exposed him to the world of networking and the Global Edge Tech Prep program. He learned that there were courses available that could be taken at his high school that would provide him college credit upon graduation. This increased his interest in the program and in computer technology. On his own, James began to pursue the areas of web development, gaming, building machines, and system administration. James was able to apply his knowledge of the Internet and assisted with the development of the McKinney ISD Athletics web site. Through his time at McKinney High School he was able to successfully complete five Tech Prep courses making him eligible to obtain as many as 15 Collin College credits. After graduation, James’ family provided him with the opportunity to attend any college that he desired. However, his decision to attend Collin College was simple. Collin offered the financial advantages of available college credit through his Tech Prep classes and the supportive environment that he desired. His foresight of the financial state of his family and economy in general proved to be a wise decision today. James cites the advantage he gained with being exposed to the CCNA courses at high school and expressed his appreciation as to how those courses prepared him for his college education. He is now completing his first year at Collin with a 3.0 GPA in aim of completing the CCNA exam next year and transferring to University of Texas at Dallas or the University of North Texas. His Tech Prep credits have been added to his Collin transcript, which James says will help him to finish his college career early. He is currently searching for a position that will allow him to apply his experience and skills in technical or networking administration. We are sure he will be very successful in any undertaking he pursues.

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